Publish Date
Oct 18, 2022
A&M Tax Advisor Weekly
The European Commission is assessing support for an EU-Directive to simplify the rules for corporate income taxation within the EU. The proposed mechanics include a common tax base for businesses active in more than one EU Member State. Taxable profits are to be allocated to those EU Member States based on a formula. This publication describes the various policy options that are being explored.
The European Commission has launched a Public Consultation covering Policy Options for a single corporate income tax rulebook for the EU. This rulebook will be based on a common corporate tax base and an allocation of profits between EU Member States based on a formula. This follows up on the European Commission’s Communication on Business Taxation for the 21st Century. The initiative is referred to as BEFIT, which stands for Business in Europe: Framework for Income Taxation. The initiative primarily aims to reduce the compliance burden for businesses active in more than one EU Member State, as well as to tackle certain tax optimization strategies.
The European Commission is assessing support for an EU-Directive to implement BEFIT and is gathering feedback on the following ‘building blocks’:
The current Public Consultation runs until 5 January 2023. The European Commission aims to adopt an EU-Directive proposal in the third quarter of 2023. Such EU-Directive proposal will be subject to another Public Consultation before it can be adopted. It is therefore to be expected that the first version of the EU-Directive proposal will be published in the first half of 2023.
BEFIT is similar to prior EU-proposals for a common tax base. It remains to be seen whether the European Commission will be successful this time around. EU Member States did not manage to come to an agreement in the past, mainly because of the profit allocation formula. However, this time the European Commission intends to build on the principles that underlie the OECD’s two-pillar approach, which has a broad(er) consensus.
The exact impact on the investment management industry remains unclear at this stage. As the consolidated tax base would be the starting point, intercompany transactions within such group would no longer be recognized. This in itself is big change compared to current tax rules. Ultimately the impact will be largely dependent on the applied revenue threshold.
The OECD’s two-pillar approach likely provides for an indication of the rules that will be included in the EU-Directive proposal (e.g., the tax adjustments to the financial statements).
If you would like to exchange views or discuss, please feel free to get in touch with your usual A&M adviser, Roel de Vries or Nick Crama.