Publish Date
Jul 15, 2021
A&M Tax Advisor Weekly
In the latest A&M Non-Executive Director (NED) report we look at actual fees paid and the disclosed fee policies for FTSE 350 and FTSE SmallCap companies with year ends between 1 March 2020 and 31 January 2021. Fee differences between financial services companies and other sectors are also analysed in this report.
Overall, companies are showing similar restraint in reviewing NED fees as they have in reviewing executive director remuneration. This is not a great surprise, as increases in NED fees will be hard to justify while many employees have been impacted by the pandemic, whether that is through furlough, pay freezes, reduced variable pay, redundancy or the impact of changes in working practices. Where fees have increased, this has typically been associated with increasing time commitments, (e.g. in relation to committee responsibilities or the new role of Designated NED) or where fee rates are demonstrably at odds with market norms.
As we come out of the pandemic and the economy recovers it is possible that, along with some wage inflation, we may also see some inflationary pressure on NED fees.
A&M Executive Compensation Services is well-positioned to advise Remuneration Committees through this period. Engagements are led by a Managing Director who attends all meetings and is actively involved in all deliverables.
This ensures you always have access to the right level of advice, particularly when making critical decisions under time pressure. Our Managing Directors have a combined 80+ years of experience in advising on executive remuneration matters.
Contact us if you have any questions regarding the content in this report.