Publish Date
Nov 02, 2020
Tax Insights
As companies prepare to bring 2020 to a financial close and look to secure financial stability across their organization, they are presented with transfer pricing challenges due to economic uncertainties brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s unknown what the full reprecussions will be and we may not know for years to come, but companies shouldn’t be complacent.
In this transfer pricing hot topic video, A&M Tax Managing Director Marc Alms and Senior Advisor Dick McAlonan share insights on steps that companies should take now to assess the impact of the pandemic and make any necessary financial adjustments. Even companies that use advanced pricing agreements (APA) are encouraged to take an early assessment of intercompany transaction results to determine if modifications to the APA are required.
A&M Tax is here to help. Contact Marc or Dick if you would like to discuss this topic further.
Marc Alms
Managing Director, Taxand
Dick McAlonan
Senior Advisor, Taxand
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