Publish Date

Dec 04, 2023

Unlocking Efficiency in Transfer Pricing with Low-Code/No-Code Technology

A&M Tax Advisor Weekly

In today’s global business landscape, multinational corporations face an increasingly complex task: managing their transfer pricing structure effectively. Transfer pricing, the practice of establishing arm’s length pricing for intercompany sales of goods, services, or intellectual property transferred between related parties (typically within a corporate group), has become a critical aspect of tax compliance and corporate strategy. As the operations of multinationals expand, so does the complexity of ensuring that transactions between affiliated entities comply with tax regulations in each relevant jurisdiction and, as importantly, align with the company’s overall corporate strategy and financial (e.g., cash management) goals. Ensuring compliance with transfer pricing regulations is not just about satisfying tax authorities; it’s about optimizing a company’s financial performance while minimizing regulatory risks.

The Transfer Pricing Status Quo

Historically, many organizations have relied on manual processes and spreadsheets to handle transfer pricing calculations and documentation. However, this approach has proven to be time-consuming, error-prone, and fraught with risk.

The challenges associated with traditional transfer pricing practices include:

  • Complexity: As businesses expand across borders and industries, the intricacy of transfer pricing arrangements escalates. Managing the multitude of transactions, each subject to varying tax laws, becomes a Herculean task.
  • Risk of Non-Compliance: Regulatory authorities worldwide are tightening their scrutiny of transfer pricing. Non-compliance can lead to substantial penalties and damage a company’s reputation.
  • Inefficiency: Manual processes consume significant time and resources. Teams spend countless hours collecting and analyzing data, leaving little room for strategic planning.
  • Limited Agility: In an era of constant regulatory changes, rigid spreadsheet-based systems struggle to adapt swiftly. Companies may find themselves scrambling to comply with new rules.
  • Error-Prone: Spreadsheet-based calculations are susceptible to human error, leading to inaccuracies of that can result in costly disputes with tax authorities.

The Role of Technology in Transfer Pricing

Low-code/No-code platforms and tools allow organizations to design, customize, and deploy software solutions without the need for expert coding knowledge, deep technology expertise, or complex ERP integrations. In the Low-code/No-code model, tax professionals become citizen developers, building and deploying solutions and without the use of IT professionals. This technology gives business users a faster and more efficient way to build and launch new tools to improve their operations and provides a visual software interface that encourages model-driven processes.

Low-code/no-code platforms provide an ideal environment for tax professionals to create tailored applications that automate and optimize the entire transfer pricing calculation process. Here’s are the top ten ways they bring value to transfer pricing:

  1. Data Collection Automation: Gathering transaction data from various sources, including ERP systems, financial records, and other databases, is often a time-consuming task. Low-code/no-code applications can automate data collection, ensuring that the data used for calculations is up-to-date, complete, and accurate.
  1. Methodology Implementation: Transfer pricing methodologies, such as the comparable uncontrolled price method, resale price method, and cost-plus method, require precise calculations. Low-code/no-code platforms can be configured to apply these methodologies systematically, reducing the risk of calculation errors.
  1. Real-time Currency Conversion: For multinational corporations operating in multiple currencies, currency conversion is a frequent requirement. Low-code/no-code applications can incorporate real-time exchange rate data, ensuring accurate currency conversions in transfer pricing calculations.
  1. Advanced Analytics: Some low-code/no-code platforms offer advanced analytics capabilities, enabling tax professionals to perform in-depth analysis on transfer pricing data. These tools can identify trends, outliers, and potential compliance risks, empowering organizations to make informed decisions.
  1. Documentation Generation and Reporting: Compliance with transfer pricing regulations often requires the generation of detailed documentation to support the chosen transfer pricing methods. Low-code/no-code applications can streamline transfer pricing compliance by automating the generation of detailed documentation and enhancing reporting capabilities. This ensures comprehensive and standardized documentation that is readily available for audits, while also simplifying the presentation of complex data in clear and understandable reports for effective communication with stakeholders and tax authorities.
  1. Financial Reporting: Leveraging low-code/no-code tools to streamline transfer pricing journal entries can allow organizations to regularly set intercompany balances throughout the year rather than having them grow unchecked over time, leading to complex and time consuming year-end reconciliations.
  1. Error Reduction: Manual calculations and data entry are prone to human errors, which can lead to compliance issues and financial discrepancies. By automating calculations, low-code/no-code tools minimize the risk of costly mistakes.
  1. Scalability: As businesses grow, so do their transfer pricing needs. Low-code/no-code applications can easily scale to accommodate increased transaction volumes and more complex transfer pricing arrangements.
  1. Version Control: Keeping track of changes in transfer pricing methodologies and assumptions is critical for compliance and audit purposes. Low-code/no-code platforms can provide version control features to maintain an audit trail of all calculations and adjustments.
  1. Collaboration and Review: These tools facilitate collaboration amongst global teams by allowing multiple stakeholders to access and review transfer pricing calculations simultaneously. This real-time collaboration enhances the review process and ensures compliance with internal and external standards.

Incorporating low-code/no-code technology into transfer pricing calculations transforms what was once a labor-intensive and error-prone process into an efficient, accurate, and auditable workflow. Tax professionals can focus their expertise on analyzing results, optimizing strategies, and ensuring compliance, rather than being bogged down by manual data entry and calculations.

How can A&M help?

A&M’s Transfer Pricing and Digital Tax Services teams can develop a tailored solution to your organizations transfer pricing policies and fact patterns. Please contact our experts to learn more.