Portfolio Tax Services

Managing tax at a portfolio company level is key in helping deliver maximum value to private equity (PE) firms. Well-designed and executed tax strategies can make a real difference to share prices and valuation multiples.

We Provide the Following Offerings:

  • Conduct pre-acquisition tax due diligence to identify exposures and/or issues impacting future integration
  • Implement post-transaction tax integration
  • Identify potential tax planning strategies to deliver mid-and long-term cash flow and working capital improvements
  • Tackle inefficiencies in portfolio companies’ tax management systems and make sure they are compliant with regulations
  • Provide tax planning, compliance and reporting services to portfolio companies
  • Advise on legal entity rationalization to ensure tax affairs are managed effectively
  • Provide add-on acquisition structure planning
  • Conduct sell-side due diligence to identify tax risks prior to an exit

Why A&M

Alvarez & Marsal’s (A&M) Portfolio Tax Services assists PE clients in navigating a range of tax issues that emerge during the lifecycle of an investment, with a view of managing tax risk effectively, maximizing exit price and achieving cash tax savings where possible. From pre-acquisition to bolt-on acquisitions and divestitures, our experts can drive significant value for PE firms by advising on strategies that maximize tax efficiencies and reduce liabilities before, during, and when exiting investments. We provide the key difference to the portfolio companies’ performance and investment results.

The A&M Difference

We leverage A&M’s firm-wide expertise across Private Equity Performance Improvement, Transaction Advisory Service and Tax to offer clients an integrated tax solution service while maintaining a return-oriented mindset. Led by a strong team of senior professionals, we will leverage our broad team expertise and independent insights to minimize cost and boost cashflow.

Meet Our Practice Leaders

    • Claire Lambert

    • Managing Director
    • London, UK
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