Companies conducting international trade by exporting or importing goods, technology and services in any number of countries want to ensure they are meeting all compliance regulations while maximizing any savings in tax liability at the same time.
The global trade environment is complex and ever-changing. Our A&M professionals have solutions to navigate the complexity regardless of where you conduct business. We assist companies with a full range of trade-related services regardless of size or cross-border trade profile. With our deep experience in the sector and a broad range of resources, A&M leverages all our existing disciples to address the gamut of complex cross-border trade issues that may crop up when conducting international trade.
A&M Tax’s pragmatic approach seeks to assess risk, design a mitigation roadmap, and implement controls. This simple but bespoke approach coupled with our wealth of knowledge on monitoring trade and custom regulations globally as well as our expertise in managing process controls to maintain compliance and maximize tax savings helps our clients gain control on optimizing cross-border transactions.